Monday, July 29, 2013

Fundraising Updates and Thanks

Thank you to everyone that has helped us by either donating items or by coming out and supporting us at our benefit auction this Saturday.  It was a great time of fellowship and fun.  We went, we bid each other up, and we ate lots of ice cream.   It was amazing to see God work through the people that were present and to see the final amount that was raised.

The total amount that was raised amounted to about $2000.  That number is amazing and we need to say a huge thank you to the people that contributed.   I want to especially say thank you to the Swangers, the Billetts, the Kincers, and the Heavners.

Thank You!!!!

I would also like to thank all of the businesses that contributed.

  • Dillsburg Subway
  • Bleacher Bums
  • Dillsburg Auto
  • Servant's Heart
  • ACE Hardware
  • Millenium Pizzeria
  • Al's Pizza
  • Blossom Shop
  • Herr's Antiques 
  • Dairy Queen
  • Hoss' 
  • Old Navy
  • Five Below

Monday, July 22, 2013

Planning Updates

I have a lot to inform you all about.  Lauren and I have made some real progress in the planning of our trip over the last few weeks.  Last week we bought our plane tickets!!!! We will be flying Turkish Airlines and going through Turkey!  That is moderately scary, but Lauren and I are confident that we can navigate our way across the globe... sort of.
The most confusing part was trying to pick which meal we wanted.  They didn't have a choice for just a normal meal!!! I mean come on! Don't they know that it will be our last western meal?!?!

Another exciting step that I took last week was that I got my international driver's license!  I am going to be honest here: I felt so cool!!  I was practically bouncing off the walls.  I can now drive in China, Brazil, or (most importantly) Burkina Faso.  I felt so cool, but then I looked at the picture and that shrunk my head a little bit.  God sure does have a sense of humor.  Passport pictures (and international driver's license pictures) are awful

I am also happy to inform you all that I did survive my vaccinations, though I think it may have been close one point or another.  I was really scared at various points throughout the day, but I was able to journal and read through some of the encouraging passages in my Bible.  The boys that I nanny were also good for a distraction.  They just could not stop fighting that day!  I can't say that I was too mad at them; they did get me to my appointment time without thinking about my shots too much.

Before I go, I want to remind all of you that are reading this blog about the benefit auction and ice cream social that Lauren and I will be holding on Saturday.  This is our last big fund raiser, but more than that it is a chance to hang out and fellowship with all of you.  We want you all to come, even if you don't want to buy anything. 

As always, please continue to pray for us and for the work that we will be doing while we are in Africa.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Fundraiser update

It's crazy how fast the trip is coming upon us! My aunt was very generous in helping us with a sub sale over the past couple of weeks, and in total, we sold 198 subs, with a profit of $295.50 for the both of us. This definitely helps us as our time left to raise money is starting to come to an end.

We are so grateful for the donations we have received so far, and we continue to ask for prayer as we are not quite where we want to be with our finances. We are buying our plane tickets this upcoming Sunday, and at that point we will have a better idea of where we stand financially.

Our last fundraiser that we will be holding is on Saturday, July 27th, when we will be holding an auction and an ice cream social. We hope that this will be a great time for fellowship among our friends and family, so please stop by if you have the time.

Thanks so much for all of the prayers and support. We are getting so excited as the time draws near, and we are eager to see how God will use us over the next year!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Upcoming Appointment to Get All My Vaccinations

I will definitely need your prayers this week.  I have my appointment with the travel clinic on Wednesday to get all of my vaccinations.  I will be meeting with them to discuss all of the medical information that I will need to know for my trip, but what I am mostly dreading is the four or five shots that I will need to get.  

For those of you that know me well, this will come as no surprise, but I am extremely fearful of sharp objects.  This is particularly true of shots.  I knew when I started all of this that I would need to get quite a few, but now that the day is almost here, it has nearly taken over my thoughts.  

My hope is that when I go to the appointment, I will be able to feel your prayers and your support flowing around me.  I hope and pray for the support that only God can give.