Sunday, April 14, 2013

Preparing for Our Mission

If you are reading this blog, chances are that you already know why you are here.  Just in case, I will let you know why I am writing it.  This blog is the story of my journey through the next year and a half.  In September (though the exact date has not yet been scheduled), Lauren and I will be leaving America to work with some orphans in Burkina Faso. 

If you do not know where that is, that is okay.  I didn't either. It is right here:

We will sharing with you some of the ups and some of the downs that will come up in our preparations and during our time in Africa.  We will also be sharing some ways that you can pray for us.  

I know that there are many of you that will be following this blog closely.  I am not sure how often I will be able to update it (especially when I get over there as the Internet is not very reliable), but know that when I do, I would love to hear from you guys.  I know that Lauren and I will miss many (if not all) of you and would love to hear about what is going on in your lives too.  Please know that we love you and appreciate the support that you have and will continue to give to us. 

Possible Prayer Requests:
  • Direction as we face decisions
  • That we would be able to see and understand our next steps
  • That God would go ahead of us to the people that we will impact
  • Financial Support